A birth chart is a road map to fulfillment.


about me

My name is Isavella Vassilakis & I am an astrologer based out of upstate New York . I’ve been studying the art & science of astrology ever since you could buy those tiny horoscope scrolls at the supermarket check-out. I’m also an intuitive and use that when interpreting natal charts—it helps.

In my free time I’m a mother to a feisty Aries daughter, a writer, and an artist (I work mainly with collage).

I’m a Leo with Sagittarius Rising and a Sagittarius Moon—triple fire!

natal charts

A natal (birth) chart reading considers the zodiacal influences you were born with and how they affect your personality & life. I look at themes and patterns, picking out trouble spots that jump out at me as well as your own unique gifts and blessings!

I work with what the universe gave you—my foremost goal is to make sure you reach your highest potential.