A Martial Moon in Gemini

The Gemini Full Moon of December 7th, 2022 is tightly conjunct retrograde Mars.

Both the Moon & Mars are opposite to the Sun in Sagittarius, and to a lesser extent, Venus. All four of those planets are also squaring Jupiter in Pisces.

This is called a T-square configuration, which occurs when a bunch of planets are in 3 signs of the same modality.

(In this case, the mutable signs of Gemini, Sagittarius, and Pisces). It’s a tense situation due to the nature of the signs involved.

T-square example. Red lines = tension. This is Joan Rivers’ chart btw.

Your personal journey of evolution & expansion, your love of freedom & pursuit of wisdom — your personal unique Sagittarius energy — are being challenged by a frustrated Mars begging you to act before he acts for you.

Without even considering the planets involved or what part of your chart this is happening in, what this lunation hammers home the Great Divide between Sagittarius & Gemini, two signs opposite each other in the zodiac.



The sky is a big circle, meaning every single zodiac sign has an opposite sign! And, interestingly, something opposing signs always have in common is their major overarching theme — it’s everything else about them that’s different.

Creepy vintage astrology wheel to show you opposite signs. I made a choice, ok.

Sagittarius is the big picture, the philosophy of it all. It wants to roam the world figuring out the big questions of life. Gemini is more interested in the granular details, but, just like Sagittarius, still spends its energy roaming about living to learn & learning to live.

These two signs are both about the MIND.

They have a deeply entrenched thirst for knowledge. That’s their common overarching theme.

And the major difference between them is that Gemini is the energy of DATA transmittal, and Sagittarius the energy of IDEA transmittal.

Astrology often refers to Gemini as the “lower mind” of data processing & skill acquisition, and Sagittarius as the “higher mind” of making meaning with all that information.

It’s elementary school vs. college energy.

But you need both the lower & higher mind to have a WHOLE mind, right?

A philosophy without anything to support it is a weak one, and amassing date for no real reason is soulless.

You can’t go to college without elementary school, and staying in 4th grade forever is not...ideal.

So, back to this Full Moon. This is kind of how I feel it’s affecting all of us:

You have big plans. You have so much personal growth in store. It’s the biggest, bestest kind of personal growth. The kind of expansion you know might actually hurt with how tightly it stretches your skin & heart.

This is all symbolized by the Sun & Venus in Sagittarius.

But you’re having trouble ACTING on them.

The details of getting it done are overwhelming. You keep putting off challenging communications and/or learning any necessary new skills. You’re afraid this journey will cost you important relationships. You’re afraid personal evolution will cost you your FREEDOM. And you’re having a lot of fucking feelings about it.

This is the influence of Mars & the Moon in Gemini upon the Sun & Venus.

Oh yeah, and Jupiter squaring ‘em all is adding sooooo much PRESSURE. Like, the wildly terrifying pressure of growth, success & abundance.

Jupiter is saying: I triple-dog dare you to evolve.

This whole situation has actually been brewing for quite some time.

It was sparked by the eclipses, but as the Scorpio planets moved into louder, fiery Sagittarius, the pressure has grown much, much noisier.

The Moon, and especially the Full Moon, is the cosmic conduit charged with making things real.

The Moon carries the responsibility of manifesting the energies of all the planets.

That’s why it’s associated with our physical bodies & the Divine Feminine: the Moon is the very matrix of creation.

And now, the Moon has been sent to act as the TRIGGER activating this simmering drama cauldron.

This is occurring in ALL of our lives, in varying degrees.

It all depends on your birth chart. If you have any planets in Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, or Pisces, it’s safe to say you’re feeling it pretty directly, however it’s playing out in YOUR life, depending on natal planets & houses involved.

It’s very telling that Mercury, the planet responsible for any planets in Gemini has just scooted out of Sagittarius and is sitting pretty at 0° of Capricorn.

This adds an important layer to the Moon & Mars’ intentions. Capricorn is ambitious, serious, and keenly aware of the nature of reality — meaning the aggravating effect of these Gemini planets is meant to force you into the planning & execution of your long-term goals.


  • You want to evolve/grow & manifest your ideal life.

  • You’re frustrated by the lack of forward movement.

  • Your mind is on the long game.

  • It’s spurring deep emotional reactions + readiness to close one cycle & start another.

  • And you’re TORN between knowing what’s best for you & that it’ll all work out…and all of the shit you have to figure out & do to make it happen.

Just hold on to your awareness of the nature of Mars and it’ll be fine.

This means don’t act rashly, drive carefully, pay attention when chopping vegetables, and don’t pick fights with your partner.

During this window of time, Martial topics have the unique opportunity to become manifest — and it’s up to you which Martial topics you want to manifest.


Saturn in Pisces, Part 1


With Love & Trust