The End of an Era: Taurus Lunar Eclipse

The Taurus Lunar Eclipse of Saturday, October 28th is the GRAND FINALE in an eclipse series that has been galvanizing the Taurus/Scorpio axis since late 2021!

Eclipses occur when the paths of the Sun & Moon intersect.

When that happens, the function of each luminary is disrupted for a few moments — their light is blotted out — causing a glitch in the system that allows "unscheduled" events or energy to leak through.

In ancient times, eclipses looked really scary to us humans. and so they were interpreted as baleful omens for millennia! While they can deliver trials that need to be endured, their effect is generally less dramatic — but still impactful.

Eclipses tend to dramatically correct certain areas of our life.

They do their work over the course of 18-24 months, affecting two very specific life areas for each of us.

You don't need a deep understanding of astrology to know how this eclipse series has been affecting you. Just look at the most intense themes & events of the past two or so years, the life areas that have gone through the most change, and trust me, you'll get it.

And because this is the very last eclipse of this series, whatever it delivers will be one last flushing out of a deeply entrenched pattern that no longer serves you (if it ever truly did). A new chapter is on its way.

Now that you have an idea of your eclipse story, you can get a feel for how this finale will go by applying the following symbolism to your real-life situation:

Picture this:

The Full Moon is in Taurus, a very nice place for the Moon to be; additionally, she benefits from the presence of stabilizing, fortunate Jupiter.

This is all fine & dandy, but the Moon & Jupiter are directly opposed by three Scorpio planets: the Sun, Mars & Mercury. 

Mars & Mercury are almost at their exact conjunction, and as the Taurus Moon & Scorpio Sun lock into place at 5° of those two signs, the planet of aggression & action and the planet of communication, technology & travel directly oppose Jupiter.

This configuration threatens to disrupt the comfort & good fortune of the Taurus Moon & Jupiter, and its weapon of choice is forged from the combined symbolism of Mars & Mercury.

It could manifest as arguments, slander, bad news, or even something hidden being revealed by the Sun’s light. Something that, unfortunately, may threaten your emotional & physical stability (the Moon also represents the physical body).

Another way this could manifest is more nuanced & internal.

The Scorpio planets are calling our attention to the darker, more tangled aspects of life. They are begging to be seen; they are a non-negotiable part of existence. This is a Full Moon, the completion of a cycle, and the closing eclipse of an entire series. Being forced to let go of something that defies holding onto is a real possibility.

It’s probably going to be intense, it will definitely be emotional, but it doesn’t have to be scary.

Think about it like this:

If the physical (i.e. astronomical) cause of an eclipse is the intersection of the Sun & Moon's orbits, what does that mean symbolically?

What does it mean when the Solar principles of identity, conscious thought, personal vision & expression cross paths with the Lunar realm of subconscious thought & emotions, of soul memory?

This is a chance for you to make sure those two aspects of your being are aligned.

Well, are they?



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