Sagittarius New Moon: Portals

The New Moon of December 12th lands at 20° of Sagittarius and it has…several things going on.

This new beginning in the Sagittarius part of your chart is infused with the energy of Mars trying to push things along…as Mercury simultaneously slows wayyy down in preparation for retrograde.

Add Neptune beaming waves of confusion & miscommunication directly at the Moon, and we have a recipe for an inflammatory and hazy lunation — like you know something needs to happen or you can’t move forward, but you don’t know what that something is. (Or you do, but you don’t know how to approach it.)

So let’s do some investigating to clear some of the haze.

First, think about what’s been going on lately. Mars has been in Sagittarius for a few weeks now: what have you been trying to do? Where have you been focusing your energy? What’s firing you up?! This will be the focus of the New Moon.

That’s Clue #1.

Then there’s Mercury.

Sagittarius is a fire sign: passionate & inspiring, but oftentimes rash & unable to see outside its carefully curated philosophical ideals. Because of that, it’s a sign the planet of mental processes doesn’t do very well in. And while Mercury isn’t actually in Sagittarius at the time of the New Moon, it DID just spend several weeks there before moving into Capricorn. Weeks you may have spent thinking more about that gorgeous, idealistic big picture instead of carefully planning its execution.

What is that big picture, that dream or goal, and what do you need to fill in its gaps? Is there a conversation you still need to have, boring research you’ve been avoiding, or any other Mercury-related thing that feels unfinished?

Think hard, because that’s Clue #2.

And it’s an important clue because Mercury will station retrograde at 8° of Capricorn only a few hours after this lunation — literally right on its heels.

This is auspicious in and of itself, but there’s more: Mercury will eventually retrograde all the way back to 22° of Sagittarius — only two degrees away from the sensitive real estate of this New Moon. These two seemingly separate celestial events are definitively linked.

Now that we’ve established that Mercury is somehow involved here, it’s time to look at…

Clue #3: Jupiter.

Jupiter is the ruler of the three Sagittarius planets, as well as Neptune.

That’s a lot of control the Greater Benefic has from his seat in Taurus, and analyzing what’s going on with Jupiter will reveal the hidden context of this New Moon.

It gives insight into its motivations — the why behind its purpose & function.

Jupiter is at 6° of Taurus, very closely trine Mercury. This ties in the impending Mercury rx even further, and also indicates that whatever it delivers is ultimately supported by Jupiter, and thus this New Moon. Jupiter is also opposite to Venus in Scorpio; the two benefics are teaming up to amplify their power and they’re aiming it directly at Mercury.

Taurus Jupiter & Scorpio Venus are occupying signs that were eclipse ground zero for 18 months, and you have experienced a LOT of forward motion & upheaval in those parts of your chart. Whatever you’ve worked through during all of that is now linked to the supportive background Jupiter & Venus are providing during this New Moon. What was the story of that eclipse series in your life? What life area went through the most changes? The progress you made, the lessons you learned — take away the planetary symbolism and that is the very real supportive background to this lunation.

Again, that’s Clue #3.

Let’s recap.

Mars: what do you want right now? What’s bothering you? Where is the majority of your energy being directed towards at this point in time?

Mercury: what do you need to make this happen that seems confusing or just out of reach? What are those bits of planning/paperwork/detail-work you’ve been avoiding?

Jupiter/Venus: what new growth have you experienced? What new strengths have you developed? What have you finally let go of?

Once you figure all of this out, you’ll have a much better idea of what the Sagittarius New Moon is nudging you to do.

Then you can roll up your sleeves & accept the support of two benefic planets that are willing to help…as long as you go back and rethink or fix something over the next few weeks.


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