The Ram’s Sacred Fire

On April 8th, 2024, we will experience a Solar eclipse in the sign of Aries. (The Ram.)

A Solar eclipse is akin to an ultra-dramatic New Moon. It symbolizes fresh starts & initiations, especially in Aries-ruled topics (action, initiative, aggression) and especially in the Aries part of your birth chart.

And while all New Moons usher in a fresh cycle, a Solar eclipse can really jump start things — it’s a good idea to prepare yourself by brushing up on the celestial energy we’ll be working with!

To refresh your memory, eclipses always occur in two opposing signs, and this series is currently galvanizing the Aries-Libra axis.

Since Aries is on the North Node (a point of increase) and Libra on the South (a point of decrease), there has been a rise in Aries energy, while Libra topics are getting a big makeover.

Aries & Libra (as one might expect of opposite signs) are very different from each other.

Aries is very interested in individualism — in doing exactly what you want to do. In blazing one’s own trail through life, in acting first and considering the consequences second.  

In contrast, Libra is relationship oriented and thrives in a harmonious, balanced atmosphere. Libra often needs the support of others to make big decisions, and can spend ages considering every single option before making a choice.

Therefore, as the North Node transits through Aries, many of us have felt an extreme urge towards initiative & action. We’re making big decisions. A huge surge of folks are following their dreams & striking out on their own as they simultaneously shed old relationship & people-pleasing patterns. It’s been a wild ride!

So while all this simmers in the background, it takes an eclipse to really drive the point home, bringing us right back to the Aries Solar Eclipse of April 8th, which is directly connected to that energy.

Without sugarcoating it, this particular eclipse may be challenging for 3 reasons:

  1. The Sun & Moon are exactly conjunct Chiron (in Aries)

  2. Mars is conjunct Saturn (in Pisces)

  3. And Jupiter is conjunct Uranus (in Taurus)

Read on to see why!

Sun/Moon Conjunct Chiron

Chiron is an asteroid known as the Wounded Healer. This eclipse occurs at the exact same degree as Chiron, which could trigger a deep pain point you’ve been struggling with.

It doesn’t have to be awful, but it’s good to be aware that this brand-new start in the Aries sector of your chart may come at a price, and it’s up to you to decide if you’re willing to pay it.

I wouldn’t fret over it too much, as Chiron transits can be truly healing.

Another way to look at it as that this eclipse is trying to get you to clear that wound once and for all.

Mars conjunct Saturn

Mars is the planet of action, fighting, courage (all those fun things), and as it meets up with Saturn, planet of limits, it could bring about an obstacle or even full-out stop to something you’ve been trying to accomplish.

It could also mean you’ll have to take on additional responsibility in some way, or even butt heads with an authority figure — whatever it is, you’ll know what it is.

And not for nothing, as the planetary ruler of Aries, Mars has a lot of influence over this eclipse! That’s why this Mars-Saturn vibe could really throw a wrench in the works, so if you’re feeling this aspect keenly, my advice is to take a breather and try to find a solution within the system (Saturn) instead of acting on impulse and burning the whole thing down (Mars).

And trust that everything will be fine.

Now, the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction is the real wild card (as all Uranus transits tend to be…).

Jupiter conjunct Uranus

Jupiter has been inching towards Uranus for a while now, and that impending meet-up is finally here.

A planet that distributes cosmic blessings, in return, Jupiter asks for personal growth & expansion. The Taurus part of your chart has likely been the beneficiary of many lovely upgrades, but it has also been hard in a lot of ways. (Growing pains are a real thing.)

Now, Uranus symbolizes independence & liberation, as well as sudden change & disruption. One huge reason why this Jupiter in Taurus transit has been kind of tough for folks is a deep need to break the shackles we all wear in this, the most stubborn part of our charts. And now that Jupiter is thisclose to Uranus, and during an eclipse, it’s super likely that something could happen to get you to actually act on that deep urge for freedom.

Good luck everyone!


Pick a Direction & Swim: The Pisces Lunar Eclipse


Sagittarius New Moon: Portals