The Wings of Mercury Have Stilled
(For now.)
As I write this, we collectively embark on yet another Mercury retrograde journey, this time in meticulous, grounded Virgo.
When the planet of communication, technology & travel is in a weakened state (as it is now), its topics become sluggish or confused, forcing us to respond with a reevaluation & possible revision of the life area(s) being affected.
Even though today is the actual retrograde station, Mercury (along with Mars) has been in Virgo for several weeks now. The combined talents of those two planets (i.e. mental acumen, strategy & initiative) have probably allowed you to cross some daunting tasks off your list — but maybe, just maybe, looking at things a bit closer made you realize that a true overhaul is necessary.
Get to work. Mercury deems it so.
It’s time to come up with a good plan… or at least a better one.
However. As far as Mercury retrogrades go, this one has two things working in its favor:
Mercury is at its peak when in Virgo — a bonus when the task is thinking & planning!
So while retrograde is still gonna do its thing, it definitely helps to be in prime analytical form.
Mercury is also is receiving support from Jupiter, planet of luck, abundance & faith.
This planetary high-five is a welcome boon, infusing Mercury with a base level of optimism and allowing us to shake off any retrograde-inflicted inconveniences with more ease than usual!
Additionally, both of these planets are also in Earth signs, indicating that practical solutions will be available in the face of whatever retrograde mishaps we encounter.
When addressing any stereotypical Mercury rx technological snafus & missed memos over the next three weeks, keep the bigger issues in mind but also make sure to double check anything important (like signing a contract). And try not to sweat the small stuff (Jupiter is there to help)!
The flip side is that Mercury is engaging in the exact same positive relationship with another planet: Uranus.
Uranus has the ability to zap another planet with disruption, destabilization, excitement & innovation, but as it’s positively aspecting Mercury, this could mean sudden flashes of insight, thrilling new ideas, or receiving liberating messages.
One more thing: Mercury is still close to Mars (and will be for a little while longer, but not over the course of the entire retrograde).
Some spicy communication (such as fights & general disagreements) could occur under this influence, but I feel that with Jupiter’s support, any challenging convos are likely to evolve into something that’s probably really good for you in the end.
I think this Mercury retrograde will be a good one for a lot of us. It has a lot of positive energy keeping it afloat — as long as we're aware that surprises may be in store, and it's possible we're doing the surprising.
Happy retrograde xo