Pisces Full Moon

A Pisces lunation is normally creative & dreamy, but the Pisces Full Moon of August 30th is nestled tightly against Saturn, planet of responsibility, limitations & discipline.

(It’s also directly opposing the entire Mercury retrograde situation.)

A Full Moon is an opposition between the Sun & Moon (they’re directly across from each other in the sky — it’s why we can view the entire face of the Moon!), and always involves tension meant to highlight a specific discrepancy between your ego (Sun) & emotions (Moon). And a good way to discover its root is by considering the characteristics of the two signs involved.

Indulge me for a minute, and imagine the Pisces Full Moon, ripe with power & possibility, slyly watching the Sun & Mercury frantically “managing” retrograde with trademark Virgoan logical thought, pattern recognition & practicality.

She’s shining down her special, more-subtle-than-the-Sun illumination into the Pisces sector of your chart: a place of dreams and intuition, a flowing river of escapism, faith & free-flowing emotion. This place describes the part of your life where you’re most Pisces, whether that’s career, family, or health. It’s not the most, shall we say, industrious & stern locale in your chart.

But due to Saturn’s presence in Pisces since early last March, this part of your life is getting an overhaul. It won’t be easy, but you’re starting to see how more discipline would truly help with whatever you’re dealing with.

And now, as your conscious mind juggles the details of getting some things in order (Virgo Sun + Mercury rx), the Moon gently delivers a message she’s not used to giving when in watery, imprecise Pisces — a Saturnian message.

She wants you to get more serious about — and responsible for — your emotional reactions & patterns.

She wants you to tighten up your schedule, develop better discipline, realize the limits of time & space. She wants you to do the WORK.

There is a dance happening during this lunation, a dance between the two lights of our sky, a classic love story between the hard-boiled pragmatist & the flighty dreamer.

One brings the other down to Earth so they can make those dreams a reality; the other offers inspiration, beauty & hope. Together, they make the loveliest things happen.

You can’t rely on logic or intuition alone. You have to find the balance between them.

Remember, your horoscopes are a representation of general themes present for each sign — your individual chart is much more complicated. Take these words as inspiration.

If you know it, read for your rising sign first. It points to the life area involved. Your Sun sign horoscope adds nuance.

Aries & Aries Rising

Tighten up your mental hygiene because it’s being decimated by your current workload. How do you feel about spending this time in isolation? Do you welcome that right now, or does it freak you out? Figure out how you feel about it & come up with a plan. Treat your psyche as you would anything else: like something that works for you — not against you. And take your vitamins.

Taurus & Taurus Rising

If you’re neglecting your friends due to the demands of kids, dating, fun and/or creative pursuits, try to schedule it in. You’re a Venusian baby who loves connection, and new friends or communities might be just the thing to get you over this slump. They might be just the thing to give form to your creativity. Also, now that Jupiter has been in your sign for several months, it’s also possible you need to, let’s just say, tone down the indulgence.

Gemini & Gemini Rising

You may be experiencing issues with an authority figure at work, or perhaps see a clear path for advancement…but it’s not an easy one. The shape it takes is yours to choose (you love options), but reinforcing your discipline & marketable skills will help you sell your most unconventional & creative ideas. You’re a Mercury baby, so it’s likely you’re extra frazzled right now (OG ADHD vibes), but discipline & boundary-setting are your friends.

Cancer & Cancer Rising

What altar are you kneeling before? This is a time to get serious about your beliefs, education, and spiritual expansion. Are you feeling limited about these topics — or liberated through your commitment to them? New skills can be challenging, but keeping your heart wrapped around why you’re putting forth this effort will bring peace. Keep your eye on the big journey as you manage the thousand little ones it’ll take to get there. Make peace with your higher self — they seem pretty cool.

Leo & Leo Rising

You’re going through a renaissance & this lunation is all about money & your deepest bonds. Is money flowing through your hands like water? Is your partner asking more of you (or vice versa)? How do those themes fit into the life you’ve so lovingly created? How can you employ structure so you don’t get freaked out? Create a cap for money going out & intuitively daydream ways to make passive income. Focus on the rebirth & not the symbolic death that comes before it.

Virgo & Virgo Rising

Relationships are feeling the crunch. If you want something that stands the test of time, shut down your martyr syndrome impulses and find the balance between your analytical nature & deep desire to merge with someone. Integrate your idealism instead of turning it into criticism or delusion. You have a lot to give in partnerships, but sometimes your brain gets in the way. The key lies in trusting that your faith & intuition will eventually be validated. (Emotional empirical evidence!) Also, consider your business partnerships. What do they need right now?

Libra & Libra Rising

What’s your work/life balance situation looking like lately? Are anxiety & fear affecting your job & physical health? Are you being made to feel inferior at work? This is a chance to get serious about your daily routine, because it provides scaffolding for everything else. Your creativity will shine twice as much with a little structure. So will your health. Do your research before believing any wild health claims.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

It’s feast or famine in your dating life. You’re either forsaking the game in favor of a more serious relationship or doubling down on play. This goes for creative pursuits, too. Your intensity necessitates the use of restraints in many ways. Just make sure to communicate your intentions & boundaries very well. Your sheer magnetism may gain you entry into exclusive social circles…the kind where you can make connections, so keep that in mind.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

Home & family are on your mind right during this Full Moon. This is an opportunity to heal ancestral trauma & shut it down for future generations. Get serious about where you come from. Pay your bills on time & make sure your home is in order, but home will be a place of inspiration & creation for a while — so make sure it feels like it.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

By choice or not, you’re becoming reacquainted with your neighborhood. Don’t feel limited by your immediate surroundings because they’ll provide a foundation for something you may not understand yet. Learning a new skill (writing, playing an instrument, even crafting) is something you’re feeling more pulled to. Remember that profitability isn’t the only factor that makes something worth your while. A sibling or someone else in your circle may need your help — but help doesn’t always have to be practical.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

You’re rethinking your finances & this Full Moon wants you to remember that you have resources. What do you have in the way of marketable skills? Can you make your money work smarter, not harder? Are there any grants or loans you can either apply for or pay off? Brainstorm creative (even wacky) solutions during this time — revisit them in a few days & keep only the gems. Your partner’s circumstances may be adding additional stress, but maintaining a structure of support while minding your own (literal) business & ensuring your own interests is an effective buffer.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

This is a big era for you. You’re used to freely floating on the currents of life, but it’s time to get serious about who you are & the body you inhabit. Whether that’s rethinking what you want to do with your life or a complete makeover is up to you. Avoidance isn't the same as fear. Ask yourself what needs to happen in order to harness your innate potential — the potential of right now. It’s hard to let go of past selves, but that’s an ego trip and your journeying lies elsewhere.


Sidenote: A Really Cool Money Spell


The Wings of Mercury Have Stilled