Sidenote: A Really Cool Money Spell

How are you? No, really.

I ask because almost everyone I know — friends, family, and clients — is “in it”* right now.

Garden State

*I’ve been using this phrase ever since hearing it in the movie Garden State, which I’m due to re-watch this Autumn so I can reminisce about my carefree college days.

I’m not sure if it’s the current astrology or the cumulative effects of the longest three years of our lives, but it’s been feeling like a grind out there.

And it’s making me think more deeply about something that’s been bouncing around my brain for a while: if the cosmos has been affecting our little human lives since the dawning of time, and the actual astrological happenings aren’t quantifiably more intense than usual, why does it feel more intense than ever at this very moment?

I have no answers for you (or for me). I’m not sure if it’s a symptom of our collective ~awakening~ (or if I’m conflating what I’m feeling with everyone else’s experience), but it definitely feels as if we’re all staring down some cliff and it’s time to either do the thing…or take a huge fuckin break.

Like…is it FOOL energy, or TOWER energy?

Choose your fighter.


Following astrology closely can be exhausting, and honestly kind of dread-inducing.

I’ve had my own journey with it, and am at a good place re: my personal existential crisis, but I think that, instead of only getting into the nitty-gritty of what’s happening in the sky, I’d like to offer more anecdotes, tips, humor, and cool-thing-recommendations on this here blog slash slice of the internet I call my own.

So I’d like to direct you towards a money hunting spell.

It seems a lot of folks are experiencing a lack of abundance, so I figured I'd share something I'm going to try this very week.

I learned about “trained” or “hunting” money on the Lucky Mojo website (a treasure trove of knowledge from catherine yronwoode but definitely not for the faint of heart lol) as a result of my ongoing fascination with the Hoodoo magical & spiritual tradition.

You can read the original text here, but this is its essence + some notes so you understand what I’m talking about.

I would LOVE for you to let me know if you're going to try this one!

Money Training/Hunting Spell

Train your money to go out into the world and “hunt” for you.

This is a fun, harmless bit of magic anyone can try. The worst that could happen is…nothing. (Sidenote, it's v. important to think about the worst that could happen when dealing with magic…)

Anyway, here's the spell:


  • Ballpoint pen

  • Money Drawing powder

    • Money Drawing powder is simply a concoction of various herbs & spices known for their association with abundance & attraction. You can do your own research and make your own, but cinnamon, nutmeg & allspice are good substitutions as they were considered luxury goods for hundreds of years, so they carry wealth vibes!

  • Money Drawing oil OR Hoyt’s Cologne OR whiskey

    • Same goes for Money Drawing Oil, which is usually the same combo of herbs & spices soaked in oil. Hoyt’s Cologne is used in a LOT of Hoodoo spells — it’s kind of like aftershave but it’s super old and tough to find & you can definitely use whiskey instead!


  • Take out every bill in your wallet.

  • Write the SUCCESS sigil diagonally on every corner of each bill.

    • This is the SUCCESS sigil: $$¢¢$$

    • The SUCCESS sigil is an encoded method of writing the word “success” created by changing each “S” to a dollar sign & each “C” to the cents symbol, and then adding an extra dollar sign at the front to make it a symmetrical palindrome. Try it on paper first!!

  • Underneath the name of the US Treasurer, write your full name.

    • This “claims” the bill as yours.

  • Sprinkle each bill with Money Drawing Powder or cinnamon, then drag your fingernails over the powder in wavy lines before shaking the powder off.

    • This “marks” the bills spiritually with your intention.

  • Dress the four corners of each bill with a drop of Money Drawing Oil , Hoyt's cologne, or whiskey as you focus on your intentions.

    • This “feeds” the bills so they’re happy to work for you.

  • Put the “trained to hunt” bills back in your wallet.

  • Spend them wisely — i.e. on specific things that can bring you more abundance or success. They’ll go out into the world to hunt up more money for you!


Venus in Virgo: The Garden of the Hesperides


Pisces Full Moon